
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tentative Mail Order Comics Order for August(and Beyond)

BATMAN #702-Early reviews for Batman #700 sound good. Even though this is an arc that takes place after that issue but still, good to hear.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #15-Frazier Irving on art for this arc. Good times. His issue of Return of Bruce Wayne was great.

BATMAN RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE #5 (OF 6)-Ryan Sook on art. Hope it comes out on time.

BIRDS OF PREY #4 (BRIGHTEST DAY) -First issue of relaunch was good. I hope it builds to the awesome that was Simone's previous run.

BTVS SEASON 8 TP VOL 07 TWILIGHT-Buffy season 8 trade. The series is middling but I want to follow the characters.

FABLES #97-More Rose Red? Oh yeah! Sweet cover.

GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #15-Its what was suppose to be issue #14.

GREEN LANTERN #57-Still good though GL is starting to become a little, I don't know, I guess I've just read too many issues with him it feels.

HACK SLASH OMNIBUS TP VOL 03 (IMAGE ED)-Collects HACK/SLASH #18-34, plus the ENTRY WOUND one-shot. Yep, and I have yet to read anything still. I think this volume comes out in June which would be with my Adam Hughes Cover book, Seven Soldiers HC, and WW archives volume 6. That's gonna be a heavy package.

JOE THE BARBARIAN #8 (OF 8)-Gonna have to read it in one sitting.

MORNING GLORIES #1-New image series with nice looking preview.

MURDERLAND #1-Cheap first issue.

NANCY IN HELL #1 (OF 4)-Looks like a guilty pleasure.

PREVIEWS #263 AUGUST 2010-Duh...

TAROT WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE TP VOL 06-Talking about guilty pleasures. The only place I've seen this resolicited item was on Jim Balent's side for more than I'm paying here.

TINY TITANS #31-Good times.

WONDER WOMAN #602-Possibly good times?

X-FACTOR SECOND COMING PREM HC-Hey! Its the longest Marvel title I've been buying.

X-MEN #2-Vampire action?

ZATANNA #4-First issue was fun.

There you have it. Got to remember to email MOC and double check that I get my package first real week of July since I'll be gone a few days.