
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Columbine Conspiracy/Cover-Up?

I remember Columbine clearly. It was early into my high school experience. I also remember the idiot reporters focused on bands, video games, and movies. It was a terrible tragedy with an annoying amount of press afterwards.

Well, today I picked up a book from Disinformation entitled Everything You Know Is Wrong. There's a write up in there about the possibility of more than two killers. Including a man in blue jeans and a white t-shirt handling bombs as well as a third shooter who was described differently then the two known killers. The book has dozens of statements from eye witnesses and mentions how certain events (certain ammo, time of shootings after the killers, deaths, etc.) don;t match up with the official story. If this is true, than fuck you whoever is covering this up.

Really. If some other people are involved and they've been let off the hook this is a serious travesty for the people who are the victims.

1 comment:

starviego said...

The names of some of the other shooters can be found here