
Friday, June 4, 2010

May Favorites 2010

6. Wonder Woman #44-Last issue by Gail Simone, not counting her co-writing the renumbered next issue. Anyway Diana battles her cousin and we learn her aunt is a bitch. Sad to see the Gorillas go I must say...

5. Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne #2-Love the art. Very gripping story.

4. X-Factor:Invisible Woman Has Vanished-I guess this is the longest Marvel series I've followed even though I only purchase it in trades. I don't really care for the Fantastic 4 but enjoyed this one with the F4 guesting.

3. Zatanna #1-Looks good, reads good. Magical and mystical fights up ahead.

2. Fables #95-Snow White and Rose Red flashback. Good times.

1. Naoki Urasawas 20th century Boys Vol. 8-Best f'n comic on the stands. This one mainly focus' on Kyoko, a high school student who decided to do a report on the Kenji group-the supposed terrorists who were actually trying to prevent a terrorist plot. It's damn good.

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