
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Girl With the Dragoon Tattoo

So I read the hugely popular Girl with the Dragoon Tattoo. Yes, I finished a 600 page novel that wasn't Harry Potter. Yay for me!

Two things... I prefer the title change. And I don't like the idea of a movie adaptation(there is one). Let alone the possibility of an American film adaptation(which is in talks).

Do I recommend the book? Sure.

Now I'm taking some time before I try cracking the Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I read like five pages half a decade or so ago. So i should try again. Of course, when it comes Robert Heinlen I want to finally finish the Cat Who Walks Through Walls, get and finish reading Have Spacesuit Will Travel and get copies of Starship Troopers and Red Planet.

I'll put those in my growing Amazon cart.

Edit: Picked up two of the aforementioned Heinlen books.

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