Music Review: Sinister Six-Invasion of the Mic Snatchers
Like free music? Like hip hop? Like geek/nerd references? Hop over to this page and download the free album by a collection of nerdcore hip-hop artists who come together to collaborate as the Sinister Six. Lead by MadHatter and featuring YTCracker, Zealous1, Benjamin Bear, Chester, and MC Loki. Over a year in the making, Invasion of the Mic Snatchers has bee plagued with delays but now its here with a slight line up change. The albums concept is essentially casts the six as villains taking over the world. It features 10 songs, several skits/interludes, and a track with fellow nerdcore artists shouting out Sin 6 and plugging themselves.
The album opens with a narration that sets the tune and the first track out is guest, Ranger, on Herald which invokes memories Silver Surfers arrival to announce Galactus. Make Way is up next with the true band introduction, though this was originally released a year ago with two other rappers who left for various reasons. Truth be told, I like the original slightly better because of ShelShockers catchy verse but its a fun track. The band really gets together next up with Break Down. I definitely like Deeper and Roll the Dice. HQ is a fun track with the Six taking you through their headquarters and the MC Skeletor guest lines bring a smile to my face. I need more MC Skeletor in my life. My favorite track is On the Hunt because it's done exclusively by my three favorite rappers on the project, YTCracker, Benjamin Bear and MadHatter.
On the down side, I wish there were a couple more tracks involved. While the skits do set the mood and push the story forward(especially Cleverfield which is based on Cloverfield.), I wouldn't have mind a few less. Tear it Up, with guest TyT, is a good song but I wish there was more of an epic ending. Though MadHatters final verse is great. Pledge of Allegiance is interesting, and at times very amusing, but its no something I'd replay often.
Despite this criticisms, this is a fun record. Benjamin Bear was my MVP through out killing every time out. YTCracker and MadHatter were awesome. Zealous1, who I normally feel indifferent to, did a damn fine job. When he came on Break Down I was like-WOW! I was indifferent towards MC Loki and Chester I have mixed feelings on. His lyrics are geeky good but I'm not sure I like his flow. The beats throughout, mostly by MadHatter, were cool. Fun, energetic, and matching the tones of the songs.
It's free, download it. Or go to the page and download Deeper, Roll the Dice, HQ, and Duck Hunt.
Grade 8/10
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