
Friday, July 20, 2007

I ♥ Pro-Wrestling-Music Videos to Enjoy Part 1

Yes, as you know I love Pro-Wrestling. So if you have sometime, or need something to kill a few minutes, I'll explain it with the use of fan made music videos. With commentary. We;ll start with Japanese Wrestlers.

GHC Title Recap-Marufuji vs. Akiyama
Recap of the title match where Jr. Heavyweight Marufuji not only became the first man to hold every title in pro-Wrestling NOAH, but also the first Jr. to hold any heavyweight title in Japan. Great match. Akiyama is from the AJPW days with Kawada, Misawa, and Kobashi.

GHC Title Recap-Marufuji vs. KENTA
First time two Jr.'s ever healdined Japans Tokyo Budokon. Also former tag team partners.

Ayako Hamada & AKINO vs. LCO
Famous, violent, Joshi tag team match in Arison. Joshi=womens wrestling. Ayako Hamada is the daughter of Gran Hamada and younger sister to Xochitl(sp?) Hamada. Half hispanic-asian. LCO consist of two well known female wrestlers who started in the early 90s All Japan Women.

Holy War-Tribute to Toshikai Kawada
One of the most popular wrestlers in Japanese Wrestling History Kawada practices the style of Kings Road. A style of heavyweight wrestling that was popular in 90s All Japan in which wrestlers tried hard to make the match as realistic as possible. No gimmicks, less spotty moves, and more seriousness. Kawada is my favorite of these wrestlers and in my top 10. At the one minute mark to end, the most dangerous powerbomb of all-gonso bomb.

Kenta Kobashi Tribute
The mans so dangerous he defeated cancer. Seriously... one of the Japanese legends and another Kings Road wrestler.

FMW Tribute
Tribute to the original hardcore promotion, FMW.

Jushin Thunder Liger Tribute
One of the best known jr. heavyweights in Japan. Ligers been in the ring with many well known American wrestlers but is better known in his home country. Incidentally, he was trained by the legendary Canadian Wrestler Stu Hart.

Manami Toyota Tribute
Not my fav female wrestler but this video gives an example of how seirosu the females are. Manami also has the most Dave Meltzer rated 5 star matches of any woman. I believe around 5. She's definitly damn good.

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