
Saturday, May 12, 2007

(Not So)Evil Music I Enjoy: MC Frontalot

Don't feel like writing too much. Basics is he's white guy, mid-thirties, raps about comics, card games, goth chicks, computers, and porn in a hip-hop subgenre he named back in 200o called nerdcore. Oh, and of course Star Wars. Very entertaining stuff. he has two albums out and if you hope over to his website you can download old demo tracks and various remixes. Yeah!

I discovered Frontalot when I discovered the genre of nerdcore. First with mc chris, thanks to one of his songs in the credits of a Sealab 2021 episode, and wikipedia explaining information on him. I ordered Frontalots first CD after I downloaded some tracks. His latest album, Secrets From the Future, is one of my two favorite records this year. Right along with former Sister Machine Gun alumni Chris Randall's solo blues album. Weird.

Nerdcore Rising Documentary Trailer

Which MC Is That? Vid(don't adjust set, it starts with the small box)

Goth Girls Live

Bizzaro Genius Baby Live

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