
Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So today I had to make some errands. Going to Borders Bookstore and the library who I stopped really going to when they kept forgetting I returned my books.

Novel that left a bit of an impression but for the life of me I can't remember the title(something with the word GAME and MOON in the title I believe). As I got older I started reading less for some reason. I would occasionally read popular sci-Anyway I love books but don't read too much prose anymore. When I was younger I'd pick up a ton of stuff from libraries. You know, young adult books. Most of which I can't remember but I was young and into Goosebumps when that was big. There was this some what depressing sci-fi books like the Hitchhikers trilogy, some Robert Heinlein, and various of the Shadowrun based novels amongst a few others. Most of the original line seems out of print and they just started a new line books. But outside the Harry Potter stuff and the occasional non-fiction books.

As I was in Border I spent most time in the manga section telling myself I should try something but I did skim through the sci-fi/fantasy section. Didn't really know what to look at. Doesn't help I never really followed writers. When I was at the library I had a specific goal. And I was slightly disappointed in the lack of books related to pirates but even more so on the fact I decided I wanted to try a Hienlein book but was sorely disappointed that largest library in this general vicinity had absolutely no Hienlein. Lame. Maybe when I get some time I'll dig out the Cat Who Walks Through Wall and try to finish it. I always liked the characters but since I'm not a big mystery guy I was sort of bored for the first third of the book.

Not much of an update but eh.


Lulu--Back in Town said...

You know, if you're willing to look into more straight-up fantasy, without the sci-fi, I'd suggest some Terry Pratchett (he is my current obsession in writers).

He's not Douglas Adams, but.. he's a little like him, you know? Like his second. And instead of a handful of books, there are eight million, so it's an easy addiction to satisfy. Funny, weird, dark, and utterly random. I'll bring you down a couple if you like! (It looks like we'll be there the weekend of the 9th, would that work to get together, hang out for a while? I miss you, man.)

Lulu--Back in Town said...