Looking at comic book sales charts for DC and Marvel and Marvel beating DC on every end and Marvel fans insulting anyone who saids the DC is coming out with better stories then Marvel seems to be working for Marvel. Marvel success of Civil War and fans cutting down anyone who saids they where unhappy with it's ending over the fact that DC's 52 is telling a better story. But that don't matter with fans attacking anyone who disagrees with them and their vows along with Marvel near Fascism vows as well. Marvel had a clear message to the old fans of back then and that is to go away and not come back the new Marvel are going to help build Marvel now. Message sent and understood and with Marvel high sales it looks like DC should do the same. Come up with a story to have the DC superheros to start beating the crap out of one another and if fans complain about this get other fans to make fun, cut down, or just insult them at every turn to make them feel like crap then maybe sales will go up for DC.
Lets go through problems with this statement. Problem one, people don't like people telling them that their wrong to like something. Problem two, Marvel is selling well but DC is selling well too. In fact, There is about 8-11% difference in sales between marvel and DC and then about 25% at the very least between DC and the third top publisher. Problem three, the top selling comic every month sales between 150K to 250K. Now, that's good... for the last several years. there was a point in time when these books were selling less then 100K. There was a time when Capt. marvel and Superman were selling millions. A time when x-Men #1 sold about three million copies. There's not as much dominance as this person perceives. Problem four, the truth is Marvel telling old fans to go away and in return DC pissing off old fans isn't good for business as bringing in new fans is hard. Have you tried getting new fans? Do kids really want to go buy a continuity heavy title when they could just watch a Spider-Man cartoon or play an X-Men video game? Most people reading comics now are either people who have friends or family who read comics, use to read comics, or came in from a non-superhero movie like 300.
Yes it's over. If anything Marvel comics is more edgy, more realistic and overall much more better written and edited than DC whose characters are all practical throwbacks to the 30s or 40s. Frankly the only people who really like DC are the ones who grew up or were born in that time period. Anyone else probably just buys DC either because they don't like Marvel or resents the fact that hispanics and foreign artists and writers are working there. If anything, the implosion of DC can only help Marvel become the sole dominating force that it is in the comic book industry. Just think about it, if Marvel takes out DC then they could be one step closer to scooping up and assimilating their rivals like Image, IDW and Dynamite then and finally then the comic book industry would be practically unified under one guiding mind with one guiding purpose. Think about it under Marvel's editorialship, you could have every comic book character in the Marvel Multiverse with every major creator working for Marvel comics from grant morrison to geoff johns with Dan DiDio and Paul Levitz forced out like the bootlickers that they are.Edgy and realistic does not equal superior product. At least in the eyes of critics. Maybe to the fans but comic books are generally bought by people who have a certain love for characters, creators, or are collectors in general. Not to mention sales are coming from retailers so that doesn't account for in store sells. Just cause something sells out from distributor doesn't mean you can't find it in a store. Retailers are purchasing comics based on several factors: characters, creators, and hype. Civil War would not have sold nearly as well if it was Dan Slott, Paul Pelletier, and only a decent amount of hype. But you can bet the characters would've pulled it in to the top 25 because fans like superheroes to meet. Also this statement above is laced with personal opinions. Whats best for the business? Grant Morrison is a multi-award winning creator whose popularity exceeds many Marvel creators internationally and has been mentioned in high context as some of the greats as well as being named checked in mainstream print. Grant Morrison makes money, as does Geoff Johns, if anything they would have secured positions in the industry over dozens of Marvel talent like a Daniel Way or a Zeb Wells. no knock on them but anybody in the business knows who would sell more.
Think about it if there was only one comic book company then people like Byrne, Austen and Jones would be in the unemployment line and thats frankly the best reason for one comic book company.
Also, lets look at the model of one company and compare that to World Wrestling Entertainment. In 2001 WWE was the only major wrestling company in the states having bought WCW and acquired ECW rights. Think of the loyal ECW fans and that fact that WCW was doing around 1.5-3 in ratings towards the end of their run and the fact WWE was doing around 7s with their Monday Night Raw. Once WWE took away the competition the industry crashed. Raw makes around a 4.0 now. Think about the fact hundreds of thousands of wrestling fans stopped caring. As well as many being unemployed. Using that as a model, one mind and one purpose is a pathetic notion. Anyone who believes this is not a real comic fan as far as I'm concerned.
Thats his point. DC comics is just simply more infantile compared to Marvel. Marvel is about adult and mature themes, the problems that you and I encounter each and every day about responsibility and right and our nomal lives while DC is about guys who dress up in bat suits fighting clowns while endangering chilren or some wish fulfillment story about a kid who magically turns into an adult and finds his orphaned sister and his big brother sidekick.Whats infantile is the bias right here. Marvel comics is still a superhero company. Batman fighting Joker is no sillier than Spider-Man fighting Rhino. It's a sad excuse that realism is suppose to warrant whats good and not. That's not true. As for this idiotic attack on Shazam, he completely misunderstands the point of the character. Its about childhood fantasies. About the desire as a youngster to be a good guy. And the feeling appeals to both kids and adults who felt that was growing up. thats whyt he character continues to be around and make new fans.
DC = ludicrious and infantile stories
Marvel = serious stories that address current issues that effect our lives
As for serious stories effecting the lives of people-what? Civil War? Two different groups fighting over different opinions does not make it an important current issue. Neither does World War Hulk or Uncanny X-Men in space.
Seriously, I hope the people I quoted were being sarcastic because this is some of the most bias and ridiculous bull crap I ever read.
Good points all (yours, of course). Where'd you get these comments?
I could not be less surprised. I have been severely curtailing my time there lately -- the only comcis related thread I go to is the 7S one.
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