
Sunday, December 5, 2010

December Comic Order 2010

ADV OF DR MCNINJA TP VOL 01 NIGHT POWERS-technically volume 4 of Dr. McNinja but the first volume released by a real comic company. The first in color definitely.

ASTONISHING X-MEN #36-Jason Pearson's drawing. Only seen a little of his stuff but I am interested to see what he does.

AVENGERS WEST COAST PREM HC FAMILY TIES-I chose this one over Justice League: Generation Lost(amazon pre order) because Steve Englehart is writing and it looks like old school super-hero art.

BATGIRL #18-Klarion action.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #20-Sadly Morrisons gone and I didn't get a copy of Batman & Robin #17. Though that's the fill-in team.

BATMAN INCORPORATED #4-First issue was awesome.

BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #3-Still waiting on issue 1.


BIRDS OF PREY #9-Series is a little hit and miss. Well, the art needs to get back on track.

DC COMICS PRESENTS WONDER WOMAN #1-I need a WW fix with the Odyssey keeping me at bay.

DEADPOOL TEAM-UP #884-Watcher team up!

DEADPOOLMAX #5 (MR)-Still not sure about this but it is purty!

FABLES #102 (MR)-Sounds nice but I'm more interested in the upcoming issue 100.

GREEN LANTERN #63-War of the Green Lanterns? Pff. And I say that about the upcoming Flashpoint and DC's push for me to like the current version of Wonder Woman. Still... I'll buy this until i finally get bored with the book.

HACK SLASH ONGOING #1 SEELEY CVR (MR)-Yeah! Next month i get the third omnibus and at the end of the month the current mini-series trade. All in time for this beauty. hack/Slash-I should have jumped on earlier!


MORNING GLORIES #7-Almost cut this but I'll give it an issue or two more.

PREVIEWS #269 FEBRUARY 2011-Of course.

RED ROBIN #20-Only for a stupid two-part crossover.

STUMPTOWN HC VOL 01-Looking forward to some Greg Rucka work.

TEEN TITANS #92-Digging the first couple issues of this run.

TINY TITANS #37-Aw yeah..

VAMPIRELLA #4-Where is that first issue already?

X-FACTOR HAPPENINGS IN VEGAS PREM HC-My favorite Marvel book currently.

X-MEN #8-So far I'm liking what the writers doing.

ZATANNA #10-Cliff Chiang on art this issue? YES!

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