
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tentative Mail Order Comics Order

PREVIEWS #265 OCTOBER 2010 (Net)-More fun than the actual comics?

TEEN TITANS #88-Once again I'm back to now doubt be disappointed. Heard nothing but 'meh' things about the writer but Nicola Scotts good and ravager is awesome.

GREEN LANTERN #59-Still missing Cowgirl. Not because I like her just because I can't remember the last time she was around.



SUPERMAN BATMAN #77-Supergirl and Damian/Robin story. With Ale Garza. Sounded interesting enough.

ZATANNA #6-Good, fun series with a female lead. So its gonna get canceled.

WONDER WOMAN #604-Last issue I order? 601 was okay, I guess but I'm not all that interested.

MANHUNTER TP VOL 05 FORGOTTEN-Volume 5? Wow... didn't even realize they continued the volume numbers. I have all the other issues and volumes.

TINY TITANS #33-Aww yeah...

FABLES #99 (MR)-I do like Fables.

FABLES #100 (MR)-And this baby is 100 pages. Good times.

MAGE HC VOL 01 THE HERO DISCOVERED-Decided to see what the big deal is.

MORNING GLORIES #3-Where's issue 1 at? maybe I'll get it next month.

MURDERLAND #3-" " " " "

NANCY IN HELL #3 (OF 4)-" " " "

X-MEN #4-I just wanted to buy an X-Men comic. I could care less about the vampires. Or making Jubilee one. Or, in general, the entire script for the first issue. Arts nice though.

DEADPOOLMAX #1-Another Deadpool series. I use to like Deadpool but I jumped off the bandwagon when it got crowded. Now I miss the guy.

TAROT WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE TP VOL 07 (MR)-Whats it say about me when I get a bigger smile reading Tarot then other more acclaimed titles?

VAMPIRELLA MASTERS SERIES TP VOL 02 WARREN ELLIS-Volume 1 was the Morrison/Millar book which I have. Not really an Ellis fan but I like Vampirella enough to check it out.

FLUORESCENT BLACK GN-Don't know what it is but like the name.

7 BILLION NEEDLES GN VOL 02-Volume ordered at Amazon. need some new manga.

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