
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

This Weeks Comix 6/6/07

I keep switching the title. Maybe I'll stick with this. Anyway due to my debit card problems last month(damn you!!!) I had to pick up a couple extra issues of things I normally get in the mail.

Birds of Prey #107-Dynamite ending to an incredible arc. The kind of arc that makes you sad to see a member of the creative team heading out the door. Oracles whole operation is unraveling thanks to Spy Smasher and we get the return of Ice! The stuff with Zinda towards the end was a highlight moment of the week. But came second to what happened in Detective Comics.

Buffy #4-Pretty good. Probably my least favorite thus far. Don't know why, but wasn't feeling it like the others. Still good though.

Countdown #47-Er... yeah... explain the Black Adam part to me please?

Detective Comics #833-Paul Dini and Don Kramer are back on and deliver a dynamite issue. The first multi-part story of Dini's run thus far has Batman and Zatanna investigating why a stage assistant died in a magicians act.

Welcome to Tranquility #7-Good solid issue. Feels like the kind of story you put after a big arc so it had soem nice character moments. The back-up story was amusing.

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