
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quick Hits-May 17, 2007

Quick Reviews of What Comics I Got*
*Does not include trades or stuff I ordered online.

All Star Batman & Robin #5-"Walking sperm banks."-Wonder Woman

"It feels good to be the god damn Batman!"-Batman

How can a book so bad entertain me so much? If you're looking for a good Batman book, look away. if you're into the possibility of Adam West Batman on crack, right here baby!
Grade: C

Batman #665-I've been cold to this thus far. Some ideas I like(Ninja Man-Bats=Cool) and some I don't(Damian=lame). Some characterizations feel right(Batman/Bruce=cool) and some off(Diva Talia=wrong). But this issue is the best of the bunch and starts pulling it all together. Good action, interesting twists, and a very nice moment between Bats and Robin. Morrison also tips his hat to Batman Begins in one nice scene.
Grade: B

Coundtown #50-It's weekly and in it's first few issues so the "meh-ness" is going to be warranted. Still, Jimmy Olsen and Mary Marvel in a comic? Sweet. Not that big a fan of the art, Jim Califore right here, but it didn't really bother me. Thought it was weird how red Hood explained so much to Olsen but whatever. Good solid issue, great cliffhanger, some interesting developments and an excellent Andy Kubert cover.
Grade: B-

Justice League of America #9-
Melzter run is drawing closer to its end and we're right now mid way through a crossover with Justice Society. This issue feels like a middle. The two teams are still trying to round up the Legion members. Nice characterizations but not much else going on. Hopefully the next part will start delivering answers. Great Ed Benes art as usual.
Grade: C+

The Ultimates 2 #13-Finally, it's over. And I can just follow what will no doyubt be a much delayed run with Jeph Loeb and Joe Mad!(followed by Ed McGuinness). Anyway big action issue. Thors for real. Hawkeye gets some revenge. Plus other stuff I don't wish to spoil. great artwork. Bryan hitch is so impressive on this book. I doubt though I'll ever see him on a book that fits my interest unless those old rumors about him and Millar reuniting on Astonishing X-Men turn out to be true. nice dedication to Lee and Kirby. I really dug the issue but the wait between issues killed a lot of my enthusiasm.
Grade: B

Next week I will be picking up Birds of Prey, Countdown, and Wonder Woman. With 52 Vol. 1 and Spirit ordered and will show later. Not really an impressive week but I need to chill. I picked up Ult. X-Men vol. 16 and the reprint of Hard Boiled yesterday too.

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