Rating: ****
El Generico vs. Jimmy Rave vs. Davey Richards vs. "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels ***
Daniels accompanied by the lovely Allison Danger whose dressed as a girl scout selling cookies. Starts off with generico showcasing against both Richards and Daniels. Rave plays the opportunistic heel, keeping back and picking his spots. Trying to avoid Davey, whose beaten him at every turn. There's a portion where Daniels gets worked over and eventually nails a death valley driver leading to the hot tag and Davey exploding. Rave takes to the outside and waist as Daniels, Generico and Richards are trading moves. Generico hist the insane brain buster on top turnbuckle but Rave slides in, hooks his submission the heel hook and steals a win.
Rave cuts a promo only to get attacked by Nigel. I skip Pearce and Reyes match.
Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright vs. BJ Whitmer & Colt Cabana ***
Jimmy Jacobs, growing psychotic because of his infatuation with his manager Lacey(whose not present) and the hired gun, former WWE Gunner Scott take on BJ Whitmer and Colt Cabana in a big brawl. BJ and Colt attack from behind looking for revenge. There's a great spot where Colt avoids a double team and tells both men to stop-then as they pause in confusion he bitch slaps Jacobs. Another nice spot outside as Colt whips Jimmy to BJ who hits the exploder on the steel ramp. the match eventually turns tag format with BJ being worked over. Jacobs, whose a small wrestler, always impresses with his ability to work convincingly against tall guys. Jimmy and BJ have such great chemistry. he does a great contra code(slice bread #2) into a headsicssors combo on both men. Albright hist the crucifix bomb outside through a table on Whitmer. Then him and Jacobs finish colt for the victory.
Chris Hero talsk about his new agent Larry Sweeny and about Claudio leaving for the WWE but first how they plan on beating the Brsicoes a second night in a row.
This is, for the time being, the last Kings of Wrestling match. The KOW were a stable that consisted of Chris hero and Caludio Castignoli that for a brief time held the tag titles in three seperate promotions and were consiered one of the best tag team amonst "smart fans." You know, fans that don't just watch TV wrestling. the Brsicoes are also one of those much appreciated great non-WWE/TNA tag teams. This match was about two teams tyring to out do one another. KOW left some of their heelish tactics behind and played mroe serious like in Chikara. Off the bat the Briscoe stake control. Nailing double team moves and some high flying. Once it gets to tag team action it goes back forth betwene both teams. There's so many spots and chains of moves that its hard to really list them in order. there's a great blind tag delay with Mark and Jay where heroes concentrating on Mark whose not legal. Mark nails CC with a springboard moonssault and Jay takes his place catching an unaware Hero. Its fast apced and these two teams clicked so well. Each team hitting some fo their tag signatures to a hot crowd. Claudio exhibits his strenght by doing a modified airplance spin with both Briscoes. The amtch ends with a combo shotoing star guillotine legdrop. Fantastic match, best on show.
Claudio announces he's staying with ROH but because of other plans, Larry Sweeny forces Chris Hero to dissolve the team. Samoa Joe makes an appearance telling Claudio to leave his ring then challenges wrestlers from Pro-Wrestling NOAH. Nigel, who wrestlers there too, takes offense and the two stare down before Rave interjects hismelf.
Nigel McGuinness vs. Jimmy Rave ****
Best of the three singles matches with them that have been released on DVD. Nigel tries taking control early but Rave counters a move and takes over. Back and forth showcasing McGuinness modifed European style/Puroresu strikes and Raves mix of old shcool Southern heel style wrestling. McGuinness part way through starts hitting some of his big moves. Lariats, tower of London but Rave battles through and puts up a fight hitting moves like spears, knees, and other good attacks. Nigel kicks out of the pedigree at 1 but can't get anymore fighting spirit when Rave uses the From Duck Till dawn headscissors into crippler crossface. McGuinness comes back with more lariats and even his mean Tower of London on apron. Rave able to get a quick trip and the heel hook to get the win in front of a crowd already worn out by the rpevious tag match and intermission. Rave gets a both respectful and heel worthy "You Still Suck" chant. He then makes his challenge for the title for Feb. show(which already happened and he lost. Heard it was very good match). This would rank as one of the best Rave single matches of the year with his matches against Bryan Danielson and 4th Anniversary and Davey Richards at Unified.
Shingo, CIMA & Matt Sydall vs. Roderick Strong, Austen Aries, & Delirious ***½
Under Dragon Gate rules, no tags if someone rolls outside or if one team is on offensive, finds a pretty good tag match that mixes those classic Nitro Crusierweight tag openings with the fun of 2006 5 star ROH classic Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation match.
Not a great tag match, but a damn fune one with too many spots for me to try and list and recall. Everyone gets a little time to shine in the beginning before single wrestlers start getting worked over. First CIMA until he can shift cotnrol for his team. Aries then becomes the one to get worked over and Blood Generation9CIMA, Sydall, and Shingo) go to town with quick tags and double and triple team moves. When the match breaks down it goes crazy with so many near falls. A couple slow spots and missteps stops it from being four stars but a fun tag match.
CIMA thanks Ring of Honor for their support of the Dragon Gate style and its wrestlers. Promises return in 2007. Which Shingos a resident and Nariko Doi will team with in England this weekend and whole slew of them will show up at the end of March. Vignette for Jack Evans whose returning.
Not exactly the match I was hoping for. Very much a good story with average wrestling. Shame as the two really have chemistry.
Danielson decides against the shake and mocks Homicides home crowd before the match start. Some good back and forth action. Danielson uses the rolling Mexican sufboard on the Luche thug followed by a double knee smash. Once Homicide starts building momentum Adam pearce and Shane Hagadorne jump him and spike shoulder breaker his injured arm. The referee deicdes against a DQ to the joys of the fans that moments before were chanting "bull shit."
The match continues as Danielson starts working over Homicides arm and soon, on the floor, Homicide is able to take control to work over Danielsons own injured arm. The match is back and forth with submissions, strikes, and powermoves. There's a moment during the crossface chickenwing where Homicides arm drops for the three but he grabs the refs ankle to prevent him from signaling for the bell. That was nice near fall.
Homicide takes the MMA elbows and in on part refuses to break at the ropes. There's a nice chain with cattle mutilation then tiger suplex bridge, kick out into cattle mutilation, then elbows, cattle mutilation. Homicide survives and counters into the cop killa but Danielson foots on the ropes. Danielson tries lowblow and small package but no good. Homicide is able to nail the lariat for the cover and win.
Celebration and a video package about Homicides journey follows.
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