Due to complications, can't risk doing videos on Youtube right now. So back to blogging. I'm going through my Mail Order Comic form and something I threw on Amazon pre-order to show you what I will be buying off the September Previews.
Justice League #1 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee-Truth be told I'm burnt out on Johns(and he has killed my interest in Green Lantern for the time being) and while I grew up on Lee's artwork and generally like him, I'm not a super fan. That said, I'm going to give this a chance. Why? Because fuck it-Johns and Lee can do huge things in the right environment. Johns' JSA work is my favorite team superhero run only second to the classic Claremont X-Men run. Jim Lee can draw big fights, big characters, and bring the dynamics. If this book fails I'll be surprised but at its worst it should still be popcorn comics.
Justice League International #1 by Dan Jurgans and Aaron Lopretsi-This I'm mixed on so I'm giving it a few issues. I like old school JLI but Jurgans, when taking over the book back in the day, lost the charm. But I like most this cast and Lopretsi is an underrated artist. If this sucks or is boring its gonna be because of Jurgans. So don't drop the damn ball.
Wonder Woman #1 by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang-No artist has ever drawn Diana better in a new costume than her classic costume. Chiang is very much the same but Chiang is gold and Azzarello killed on 100 Bullets though the little superhero work I've read from him was 'meh.' I know there have been raves on both these guys Dr. Thirteen book(just ordered) so I'm hoping they can bring the heat and kick ass on Wonder Woman. My girl Diana needs to start kicking some serious ass again.
Green Arrow #1 by JT Krul and Dan Jurgans-Dan is the artist on this book and thats fine because I like his art better than his bland writing(discounting original Booster Gold. That was the epicness). JT Krul is considered bad news but I was digging his Teen Titans and honest to whatever deity I need some GA action on paper. I know he's in Justice League but it's been a long while since I picked up a GA book. That said, the solicitation sucked:
Green Arrow is on the hunt. Driven by inner demons, Ollie Queen travels the world and brings outlaws to justice…by breaking every law.
Now, armed with cutting-edge weaponry and illegally gained intel (courtesy of his team at QCore), Green Arrow is shooting first and asking questions later. Also, the cover sucks Brett Booth.

Mister Terrific #1 by Eric Wallace and Roger Robinson-Three black superheroes getting books but I'm only buying this one because Terrific is my favorite black hero. Been a long while and I'm happy to see this despite the fact the new outfit is bad. C'mon DC, what the fuck! The JG Jones cover is nice though. Don't know the creators so whatever. From the solicit it sounds like Terrific will be a player and beating up on mad scientists. The first part is a roll of the eyes but the last part is sweet.
Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales-It's Morrison so I'm buying it. The fact it's Superman is a bonus(All Star Superman for the win). The fact Rags Morales is on makes me wonder if the book will be on time. That said, Rags is cool.
Batwoman #1 by JH Williams III and W. Haden Blackman(also Amy Reeder)-Williams co-writes and alternates arc duties with the Amy Reeder on Batwoman, the only Batbook I care about. Funny how the relaunch killed my Batfamily books. No Batman Inc. until next year, they changed Batgirls, and I don't care about the four different Batman titles. Williams is a fucking awesome artist, best in the biz. He is slow so Amy Reeder, whose good herself, does the alternating arcs. I don't know about the Blackman or Williams himself as far as the writing goes. Fuck-where's Greg Rucka? Thats right, DC pissed him off and he up and left.
Catwoman #1 by Judd Winnick and Guillem March-So, okay, Batfamily book. My feelings on Catwomans always been mixed but I'm trying it just because. Winnick gets a forever free pass for that Superman/Shazam: First Thunder book. One of my all time faves and March is an alright cheesecake artist.
Justice League Dark #1 by Peter Milligen and Mikel Janin-Three Justice League books? And I'm buying them all? Yep and this is the one I'm most interested in. Despite the new look for Zatanna(which is just goth chick clubbing versus Magician outfit) I'm in. Despite his long history I have never read anything by Milligan and I just looked up Janin online and I dig what I see. Plus Ryan Sook on covers is always nice. This book was announced with all 'the Dark' titles for more supernatural and weirdness. The best books announced because I'm picking up three.

Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E by Jeff Lemire and Alberto Ponticelli-I like Franky from Seven Soldiers story by Grant Morrison. Don't know this team other than cover artist JG Jones but I'm hopeful that this book will be a big guns drawn monster killing super bash! Come on and impress me.
Voodoo #1 by Ron Marz and Sami Basri-I like Voodoo, she's my fave of all the WildCATs characters Jim Lee created. Dont know the creative team but I hear Marz was killing it over on Witchblade for years and looking at Deviant Art, Basri gots a neat style. I'm down.
Stormwatch #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda-I didn't care for what I've read by Cornell despite everyone else being entranced. Don't know Sepulveda's art. My knowledge of Stormwatch and Authority is limited. So why buy it? I guess I'm just plan curious with all this integration of the Wildstorm superheroes. Plus I want to see Midnighter break in the face of a gay basher.
Gotham Central Book 3: On the Freak Beat by Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, and others-The new softcover collection collects Renee Montoya's excursion to Keystone City and the Dead Robin arc. Nice.
Tiny Titans #44 by Art Baltazara and Franco-Awww yeah!
Fables #109 by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham-Still one of the most dependable books on the market on top of being one of the best. I don't know what else to say as this continues plot points form two different stories. All I know is a definite buy!!!
Lovestruck OGN by Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon-Solict reads:
It's a love story, but not like you think. There's no boy meets girl or star-crossed soul mates. Love is a billion-dollar industry. Cupid's the megalomaniac CEO. And Kali Monroe gets paid to break your heart. Love is all around us. These are the pricks who control it. Sound sintrguing enough to try it.
Hack Slash #8 by Tim Seeley and Daniel Leister-The twisted slasher/horror film inspired craziness continues. These being solicited months in advanced I have not read any of the first parts to FAME MONSTER arc but imagine I will soon. This is good times right here.
Morning Glories #13 by Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma-The big alternative book right now is weird, mysterious and pretty dark. It's so good instead of a real solicit they just threw a short quote from a review on it to tell you its good. Normally I don't like that shit but since I'm already reading I don't care.
Vescell #2 by Enrique Carrion and John Upchurch-Don't know squat about this, just trying it out. It won't be till August that I see this title.
IDWSuicide Girls Vol. 1 by a number of people-I hear this book is CA-RAZAY!!! Okay, moving on...
Broadsword Comics
Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose #70 by Jim Balent and Holly Golightly-The THIRD LONGEST RUNNING UNINTERRUPTED FEMALE HEADLINED TITLE ON THE MARKET continues. Solict reds:
Two warriors clash. One from a world of deep blue waters and one from a world of magick. An assault takes place in a sacred temple.
Treasures are stolen and a mermaid is left to die. Not all Witches seek harmony in the world and not all mermaids sing under the sea. By the way, the first is Femforce(I think its on #163) and the second is Witchblade(#150). Take that DC comics and the constant relaunches!
MarvelAvengers Academy #19 by Christos Gage and Tom Raney-Fear Itself tie-in! Fuck that, all I care about is Avengers Academy because this is my favorite comic book right now. Its fun, its action packed, it moves quick, its what superhero comics is all about.
Punisher #3 by Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto-Buying it for the Rucka

X-Men #17-18 by Victor Gischler and Jorge Molina-Gischler is back, don't know Molina, all I know is X-Men is on a roll. Even if the Fantastic Four are involved I'm down. Because this book is X-Men at their most action packed and fun. I wonder whats gonna happen to this book with the team split after Schism. Hmmm....
Deadpool MAX #12 by David Lapham and Kyle Baker-The last issue of the book? Nope, it's coming back which is cool. This craziness is proof that Deadpool 'can't stop, won't stop.' Seriously ow many comic book characters become so popular without their own cartoon or movie these days? At AX people were taking pix of a cosplayer dressed as him like crazy.
Avengers West Coast: Sins of the Past by Various-I got the last West Coast Avengers trade, I think I'm missing one before that but I don't care. The last one collected the start of the series and I was having a ball with it so I'm picking this bad boy up. $35? Not after my MOC discount. Under $22? Sounds better.
MangaNaoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys Vol. 16-If you don't know 20th Century biys you are just missing out. The book is awesome, epic, and everythign else you can say. Urasawa kills just about all the comics out there right now with this book.
Skip Beat vol. 25 by Yoshiki Nakamura-Shojo goodness.
Bamboo Blade vol. 10 by Masahiro Tosuka and Aguri Igarshi-The continuing adventures of the kendo club. Like the anime, love the manga. This and Skip I put on Amazon so I can purchase later. Trying to keep my order form under a certain budget.
Thats it. Holla at yo' boy!